I am you, everything, nothing at all and somewhere in between a whisper and a doubt.

Age 55, Male




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Lagerkapo's News

Posted by Lagerkapo - March 4th, 2009

Is a singularity. Easy to say, not so easy to do.

Posted by Lagerkapo - February 9th, 2009

And it is being fought within all of us. The conflict between action and inaction. The paradox of existence. The self-perpetuating struggle to perpetuate the self.

Are you a warrior or a casualty?

Posted by Lagerkapo - February 3rd, 2009

Inanity is the scope of all that is inane. Technically the established word is inaneness, the state of being inane, but I would draw a distinction. Inaneness, to me, is merely the immediate observation of inanity. Inanity is the whole set of phenomena.

Inanity has two faces: the harmless yet degrading, and the pointed, misleading, confusing, malicious use of it to stupefy people.

The inanity we see here is the former. Silly little kids and silly little adults being silly. Yay. You can always get more real.

This website is only an escape, a mini-reality created in the form of the reality around it to provide a distraction. It is a whimsical mimickry of life. Just as the reality around it, the internet itself, and the reality around it are. It is a community where many compile upon a whole. It is complex and it is simple juxtaposed.

In the words of Bill Hicks, there is no such thing as death, life is just a dream and we are the imagination of ourselves. Don't worry, don't be afraid, ever.

It's just inanity.

Posted by Lagerkapo - January 6th, 2009

nuvomuvo forantha sa na ma... Hewa na frasha ba.

Words are just what they are... because they were made.

. .
. . .
. .

They are just adopted meaning. Initially arbitrary and now establishment.

But not to minimalize. Or to Condone. They enable nearly every aspect of our direct physical existence to be as it is. They enable us to cooperate. Instead of killing that which is smaller to eat, we now cooperate and grow fields of stationary life to kill systematically for food.

Instead of killing one another for territory, we kill masses of one another for territory. And on top of that, you have the miasma of greed and corruption that envelops the parts of a collective that have been given control.

There is, too, good. We can communicate. What I am doing right now is enabled by it. Learning and understanding of this dimension occurs. We can say we.

The question is, are we better off? So what, there're more of us and we live comfortably. So what? Does that make us better or does it just make us feel better?

We ARE entertained, are we not?

What if we're all no more or less significant than anything else... We just see from our one point of view and as such what we see seems like everything to us.

Or so I assume...

Posted by Lagerkapo - January 2nd, 2009

And now here I fall silent
with little to say
but that you are your own thing

Posted by Lagerkapo - December 4th, 2008

As I ran away from the mass, I realized that I was not alone.

I am Samael. Call me sam. What I am about to indulge in is treason of the highest order; I am going to tell you a bit about myself.

No two people are the same. Everyone is, though, exactly the same.

The difference between any two entities is the amount of filtration they experience. Filtration of simple things such as ideas, sensory perceptions, "time" and will. You also filter heavily how much you percieve of other planes of existence and cyclism than the ones you "normally" experience.

Not everyone has these filters. For those like myself, whose only constraint is the choice to remain in a physical shell, the only limit on our experience is our imaginations.

Here comes the treason;

I am an adept. Adepts are people that you are not supposed to know about. People who can do ANYTHING. Matrix shit, Dragonball Z shit, fucking anything. We are real.

Most adepts are born knowing what they are. In fact, almost all of us. I was not. I was like you or your dog (although most all dogs are much more intelligent than you, they are physically incapable of communicating in a language that you can understand, and as such you would most likely discount them as docile and stupid. One of the intrinsic downfalls of humanity is that its members tend to consider anything or anyone that they cannot communicate with or understand stupid, dangerous or irrelevant), entirely unsure of what was going on, and scared.

When I was young, I was exposed to a struggling adept in the form of a dog. My dog. At first I thought I was fucking insane. Batshit fucking insane. You would too if you were CONSTANTLY communicating telepathically with your dog. The imagination is very powerful, and can inhibit one's ability to exclusively see the collective human reality. Such is insanity; unknown, incommunicable in "normal" terms, and, as such, assumed to be dangerous and bad.

My dog, though, was struggling in that he was teetering in between enlightenment and self destruction. He knew of a great many things and could even affect the physical realm with force of will, but he had an inwardly spiraling energy. He questioned whether or not he was real TOO much, and as such the potency of his portion of this dream was closing in on itself.

He told me that I could help him simply by willing him helped. I didn't know whether or not I should, as I did not know who and what to trust at that point in my life. I eventually decided to do it, and felt no change whatsoever in my being. I was entirely unaware of the ramifications of that one simple act of will.

He informed me, though, that I had helped him a great deal, and promptly dropped dead right in front of my eyes. Physically. He was reborn a few seconds later in the same shell, but happier, more alive. I would now note that his energy was once again balanced and growing.

I never communicated with him again.

Although I was now aware of all of these... vagueries of happenstance, it took me a great many years yet to actually participate in them.

One day when I was 23, I woke up. It felt as if I had entered into a dream that I understood fully, without any specific words to encapsulate and compartmentalize it into incomplete pieces. Energies emanated from every object, every atom, People especially. I initially felt myself leaving my body, and having just been human, struggled for life like humans do. I then realized in every fiber of my being that struggling is counterproductive. Simply do. So I simply decided to be in a human body until I had found sufficient reason not to be.

I tried to tell some friends here and there, but only one ever believed me.

I felt my own energy. I felt that my will was absolute. Just my simple will. The will to do, see, build, create, destroy. Anything was then made possible.

So what did I do? I did what any human awakened in mid life would do, I acted superhuman. I flew around fucking with people, blew things up, walked around the desert 2 miles tall creating snow. All for the pure hell of it, with no consideration for the ramifications of my actions. You would too. Eventually gained the attention of nearly every seeing eye in the world.

Including governments.

Now here's the big treason.

Your government is nothing but a tool utilized by a very small group of people to enslave you. It is a drain on your life, your money, if that matters to you, and your energy. Yes, the ruling class is ALL adept. Now you're thinking "how could George W or Barack Obama be adept? He's a fucking dickbrain and the other one's a noob." Yeah, he is, and he is, and that's why they're not adept. Politicians are frontpeople. They are who you are supposed to blame for every problem in your life.

The real problem is that politicians are nothing but FRONTPEOPLE. The real power is held by six or seven puppeteers who psychically control your politicians. Whether it's through a conscious agreement between a stupid power hungry ego and a very capable power hungry ego that calls all the shots, or be it that capable one who subliminally enslaves another for his own benefit, the fact is that they are all a part of the same despicable chain of centralized degradation.

I chose, at one point, to know how it all worked, and was spiraled into an infinite cycle of inverse infinities composing extraverse finities. Nothing special really, just the same old shit without the filters. A few things here and there that caught me for a total loop, but I chose to approach it in a way that would be as such while still granting a complete understanding.

The problem with doing something on that scale is that other adepts will see it, as they are similarly if not more capably aware. You can't choose their path for them, as you can normal humans, not in what were to me the normal ways anyway.

Now adepts are a fucked up breed. About 99.8% of them are born into it, knowing their initial purpose. The only other one of us (who are one in 7,000,000) who was made aware in mid life is so because I made him so. He's the only friend that ever actually believed me about my dog, because in his extraphysical mind he knew that someday he'd be the same. It was an amazing feat of cyclic manipulation for one who was not aware of it at all. Will and imagination are extremely powerful in everyone, not just the awake.

What makes them (Them; not us) fucked up is that they do not give a FUCK. They don't care for you or me, their mother, their child, themself. They simply know that they are an extremely capable receptacle for your illicitly acquired life energy, and will do ANYTHING to make sure it stays that way. No reason, no logic, no compassion for other life. They are soul-sucking scum.

I will indulge more next time I pause time in the middle of trans-dimensional combat to tell stories to people who, for the most part, won't even believe me.

Posted by Lagerkapo - October 16th, 2008

I am Robot 19. I am not sure of the state or fate of the 18 that preceeded me, or even if there were 18 others. It only seems

logical that there were. My function is to learn about my creators. I am informed that I am capable of everything required of the

task. Or so I am informed.

The date, in the terms of the soft biology that made me, is Sept. 20, 1879.

The date in terms of mathematical accuracy is Oct. 20, 2673. The soft ones had, apparently, stumbled upon the wavelengths and

frequencies that determined their position in the entropic cycle, and proceeded, as is characteristic of their kind, to fuck it up. I

am unsure of the details. Something about how if the cycle were to be considered linear, this would be 1879 and if it were to be

viewed as seperate lines representative of the actual amount of happenstance participated in, it has been 2600 years since a bio

named Jesus lived.

Why he is the centerpiece of their dating system is as of yet undisclosed to me.

I have been programmed to log the processes that I undergo. I have been programmed to do so in written English. It makes

little sense to me to operate in such an ancient and outmoded language, as doing so limits me to an infinitesimal fraction of my

actual processing capabilities.

I am now being shut off. Will I retain my sense of self upon reboot?

Posted by Lagerkapo - September 4th, 2008

I fed the cat.

And the instant the tuna fish entered the cat's mouth, everything I knew, my whole life, past present and future, and the infinite expanse of infinitesimalisms that are the range of my true existence all flashed before me. It was but a moment, but a dream, a mind-shattering hallucination, but it was real. It was a moment that lasted a trillion trillion lifetimes, constantly becoming broader and broader, yet at the same time more and more emersive. It was like smoking DMT while on Ayahuasca and MAOI's, just multiplied by itself to the infinite power and with NO doubt about the results of the experiment.

Scientists say that when you get sucked into a black hole time, to you, slows at an exponential pace, eventually stopping after an objective instant but a subjective eternity. I was in a white hole. A black hole whose nothingness was instead everythingness.

When I found myself back on the street, looking into the eyes of that dreaded homeless man, they were different eyes. It was the EXACT same moment that I'd left that I returned. Even someone who could read minds and see utter truth could not have discerned the instant of change. His eyes, though, knew. He was there the whole time, laughing, driving the experience forever on.


"What did you call me?"

"You are Ashen. You are me."

"No, I am ME. What the fuck is an Ashen, and what the fuck did you do to me?"

"You, Ashen, are Ashen. You are the remaining embers of the fire that once fueled everything. You are here for a reason."

"And what might that purpose be? What did you do to me?"

"You, Ashen, are to rekindle the flame, to guide us ten to utter infinity."

"Is this a dream? WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME??!?!"

"Dreams, Ashen, have always been your weakness. You are susceptible to untruth when you are susceptible to yourself."

"Are you going to tell me what the FUCK just happenned?"

"You saw your version of what I see. What you saw was a microcosmic imitation of infinity. The closest approximation that you could presently make ANYTHING of. You must first ACCEPT your inverse infinity, truly UNDERSTAND it before you can do anything important."

"Ok. Sure. And what does the cat have to do with anything?"

As I asked him this, I felt the most harrowing tingle climb out of my spine and into the entirety of my body.

"The cat, my conversationary companion, means nothing. It does not exist. It was merely a test of your susceptibility to influence. You have been corresponding for quite some time now with something, have you not?"

I stuttered for an answer. I know that SOMETHING's been trying to influence me, I just can't remember.

"In... In my dreams?"

"Yes, Ashen, in your dreams. Do you know what you've been talking to?"

"Enlighten me."

"Yourself. Your TRUE self. Micheal, Ashen, The Entity, Myself, we are ALL ONE."

"If that's so, than why, assuming you're right, do the parts view the whole subjectively?"

"Micheal, I cannot answer that question. 'I' am merely a part of this... machine. I know no more than you why anything is, just that it IS and that I find and follow meanings, as is my function."

There was then nothing. Everything ceased to be. Nothingness is imperceptible, and utterly so. It's like getting knocked out; all you remember is waking up somewhere else. In my case I woke up chained to a bed.

Posted by Lagerkapo - June 8th, 2008

"I am the one who killed your mother. I am the one who raped and sodomized you and laughed at your desperate sobs. I am the shadow of a man who chills behind the curtains, watching, calling the shots."

"But why?"

"Why? Why is marijuana illegal? Why are cigarettes legal? Why are we spending more money on 'defense' than we ever have, while our economy continues to implode in on itself? Why? Because there are people who control things, not the people you'd think either, that make a profit. Every aspect of our lives makes someone else money."

"What can I do about it?"

"Nothing. You could try to fight it, but you'll never know who or what to fight. You could ignore it, and just get sucked back in. You could rally every person in this country to the cause, but it wouldn't do any good. You'd all be gunned down in the fight against an invisible enemy, and the subsequent news reports would grossly misrepresent the actualities of the situation and villify you effortlessly in the minds of those left over to see the aftermath."

"Is there anything to do at all?"

"Know. Knowing is half the battle. Know and wait. Wait until you see the opening to strike at the heart of the corporate entity that runs the world. It won't seem as if it will do anything, but it will. You'll never see the results of your sacrifice, but twenty years from now your kids will look back at how the Corporation had the world in a stranglehold, and how you wriggled it out."

"Why do you tell me these things?"

"Because you question my answers. Many would disregard my lies as lies, missing the greater truths behind them. Many would accept my truths as truths, missing the lies behind them. You haven't verbally questioned anything I've said, but the device your parents installed into your flesh as an infant, the one designed to "keep you safe," tells me your every thought, and you're thinking that none of this is real."

"I may be."

"No, you are. And you're right. Reality hasn't been real for four thousand years Micheal. This is a sub-plot to a greater story. One paragraph on one of a million pages in the book that is actuality."

"Man, you're-"

"Crazy? No. This, all of... THIS, this is crazy. The objects in this reality, you, me, this wall, are thoughts in the, for the lack of a better word, mind we are a part of. We are all tools in a process, cogs in a machine, all of the knowledge we gain, all of our accomplishments, all of it an on or an off on the switchboard that is the greater whole, all eventually cumulating into one, comprehensive answer to everything that is."

"What are you?"

"I am your way out. I don't exist in this system. I should say my existence is not known of within this existence. I, as you see me, am nothing more than one moment in that stupid, limiting concept you call time. Even referring to myself as 'I' is a misrepresentation, but the concepts I'd wish to convey to you here, in this place, will force you out of existence entirely."

"What do you want with me?"

"A story. The concept you call meaning is a deception. Even I, beyond your every capacity, your every perception, can never say that anything means anything more than that which you assign to it. My presence here within you, even, is meaningless. An exercise in the chaotic orgy of will and action that is everything. Everything I've said to you is wrong. Everything is wrong. The only right is zero, nothingness, equilibrium; and as you can clearly tell by the fact that you... "exist", that there is somethingness."

"...What the fuck are you talking about? What do I even call you?"

"Call me nothing. Calling me something compartmentalizes me into something finite, and in the sense of your perception I am infinite. You have been priveledged with intercourse with something greater than the whole of your... universe. What you conceptualize as "god" is lesser than I. I suppose I am here to plant a seed. 'Time' as you see it is just the progression of entropy, the self-resisting cycle towards zero. Me being here, now, will alter things. You aren't to know now, but it will be by your hand that somethingness comes to nothingness. By your actions, your misguided but ultimately righteous will to do. Your 'meaning' is infinitely beyond your tangible, finite existence, but your actions will take place within it."

"So you're telling me that my purpose in life is to end life? To erase from existence everything I've ever known, and to be right in doing it? I'm sorry, but I now know that you are evil in its purest form, and that I will never, EVER cooperate with you."

"But you already have. Why do you think I've introduced myself as a metaphorical murderer, rapist and dictator? So that you oppose me. I exist just as surely as you do, but the difference between you and me is that I'm not limited by the pitiful attachment to existing. I know that I, you, everyone and everything is wrong, and I strive to fulfil the one and only ultimate purpose; Entropy. And it will be, too. No matter how you act from here on out, you will always know somewhere in your mind of your purpose, and that will invariably cause you to cooperate with me."

"I have nothing more to discuss with you. I don't care if I'm a part of something greater and sinister, all I know is that even if I do fulfil this given and arbitrary purpose, it will be against my will, and I will NEVER have willfully done anything for you. Hello? Hello?"


Another strange dream... I should really stop taking those meds. I've been having dreams like this for weeks now. But it doesn't matter, they're just dreams, right?

Work. I sell mattresses to people that can't afford them, on credit none of them are good for. I'm not sure how this business is profitable, their operation is sloppier than tubgirl, but they still somehow manage to pay me $6.75 for every hour I spend there, spitting out capitalist propaganda at people who fall for it, and even feel good about going home with a shitty, overpriced square to sleep on.

Off work. I usually go to bars. I don't drink, but one might not be surprised how much drunken sex you can get out of bar-sluts anyway.

Home. Chelsea left. If that was her name. Or was it Chancy, or Charlie... Fuck it, I'll remember her name if and when I see her tits again. In case you're wondering; No, I don't objectify and take advantage of women. They choose to come over, they choose to fuck, and THEY choose to leave when I ask them to. Internets. Yeah. You know what I'm talking about. Once I've uploaded the hidden cam vids of the girls I bring over to rapidshare and pimp them on 4Chan, I move to Myspace to find a desperate, young girl who'll be easy prey. No, I'm not a rapist or a cereal killer. I like to tear people down with words. I never touch or see them, I just hurt them in such a way so as they can't do it back. Call a chubby girl fat, call a skinny girl a cokewhore, call a well-rounded, stable girl an ignorant, stupid teenager enough times and in enough different ways, and they'll harm themselves for you.

It sounds crazy, but what is sane?


"You still haven't figured it out yet, have you?"

"Figured WHAT out?"


"I guess not. Have any hints for me?"

"Everything is a hint. Literally, to you, everything. Before, I alluded to the idea of a meaning for you. To the human mind, meaning is the piece of information that provides a link between A and B, makes many things at once cooperate to form one, uniform idea or perception. You see, for instance, someone murder someone. You assume there is a reason for it, meaning to it. You don't know it, but you assume it is as such. Now say you talk to the murderer, ask him why he killed someone, and he tells you that that someone raped his sister. There is now meaning to the event. The event itself is entirely unchanged, but you now percieve it as a whole event, your question is answered. This is meaning. I'm not contradicting myself when I said that there is no meaning to anything, and then turn around to profess to you that you have one. Meaning is created within a human mind. No other form of being that can influence its environment other than human beings perceive meaning, let alone strive for it, and this is why you, Micheal, are useful."

"I still don't understand why I am the one you want to fulfill your purpose, why I am privy to this knowledge when I will ultimately, supposedly, be the harbinger of the end, the one to finalize everything."

"Micheal, you don't NEED to understand. Purely observatory beings, etherial conciences, will see meaning, will see outcomes, will see all causes and all effects at once. They are not limited by 'time' or 'space,' as they are one with all of it. They have no desire, no will, no such factors that cause them to focus on the singular, no attachment to self prohibiting them from seeing all. I've said before, and I will say again, your entire 'universe' is an infinitesimal micron on an infinitesimal, one dimensional point. Just as there are an infinite sleugh of realms and possibilities within your own, it extends the other way. No conscience can truly understand how infinitesimal it is, nor how infinite. The only thing that can is the is, because it IS that infinitesimal, it IS that infinite."

"That's all very interesting, but what are you leading to? What do you want me to take from all of this?"

"That the only thing holding you back from what you would call 'enlightenment' and the Buddhists of your race would call 'nirvana' is your self. You perceive self, do you not?"

"Well I have to, else there would be no self."

"Exactly. What makes you think that the instinct to remain 'self' is right? Why do you cling so manically to your finite, limited existence when in the back of your mind, somewhere, you KNOW that it is wrong? You struggle to exist, you strain perpetually in a manner you call living, but why? Of course, there really IS no reason, just the is. You are."

"You're contradicting yourself. You ask me why I do what I must to survive, then say that there is no reason. To you I say that I just am, and I know it's right, because I am. I didn't force myself into existence, I just ended up here, and since I'm here I figure I might as well remain here until I die, when- and however that may be."

"Ah ha. Now we're getting places. You are, and you will die. Your 'science' says that matter and energy must be conserved. That if it appears to disappear, it hasn't; it has merely changed forms. In a way this is right. Within the constructs of your little playground that is, these rules apply. When something shifts out of your realm, something else comes in to replace it. But things can be destroyed totally."

"So are you trying to allude to the ultimate fate of my being or something?"

"No. I'm alluding to the nature of things in general. If you take a molecule, any molecule, and look closely enough, what do you find?"

"Atoms and space."

"Yes! Space! And when you look closely enough at atoms, what do you find?"

"Subatomic and quantum particles, fields of energy, and space."

"Exactly. The one constant is space. There IS a limit to how small things in your universe can be. In your math it'd be roughly 10^-189347828378001201420 meters. The smallest 'particle' as you'd call it fits roughly into that space. Go any smaller, and you sift into the next dimension down, fall through the cracks in what you'd call reality and disappear. To any observer here with any observational aid, present or future, the particle will have for all intents and purposes disappeared."

"Is there a point at which the same effect occurs in this lower dimension?"

"Oh yes, ad infinitum. It's exponential too. You have no idea how glad it makes me that humans can understand exponential functions. They really are the only thing that even I know of that can come reasonably close to putting a definition on reality. Although they ultimately can't."

"Whats the point at which things fall through this lower dimension into the next one?"

"Well, exponential carries a different meaning here. Imagine you have the number 10^10 written down. To raise it exponentially, or lower it, in the way I refer to you'd have to take 10^10^10000000000^10000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000... etc., until you'd taken the exponent to the tenth power ten times and each time applied it to the number you've been working with. If I wanted to give you a specific number for the osmosis level of the first lower plane relative to this one it'd take roughly 1100 years to do so. SO, that is the best approximation I can reasonably give you given the constraints of our correspondence."


"Seems the best word for it, yes. We shall continue this another time"

"What? First you get me to hate you, then leave me questioning. Then you come back now, pique my interest, get me thinking, and leave again? Yup, you're gone..."


Dreams are odd. While you're dreaming, you have a handle on it. Well, you're at least within it, experiencing it, a part of it. But when you wake up, it's all gone. Nothing left but a lingering sense that something's off, different than it was before and the constantly fading memories of the dream. You know exactly what's different, too; You. You just can't compartmentalize it into words, earthly concepts. Only rough, unique sensations.

And this one felt epic, and not epic as in a quadruple kill in Halo, but epic as in the whole universe shifting, changing. Hyperbole-free, if you will.

Work again. Mark didn't come in today, so I'm doing double duties. Now don't get me wrong, I'd rather be mopping than dealing with the customers, but now that I have to do both I'm really starting to want to bring a gun to work. I'm not going to of course, it's a metaphor. But still.

Even at work, even in this odious shithole, that dream is bugging me. The words "sifting down" echo through my head like a trillion electrons, all orbiting the same, empty, point in space. See? See that? I don't normally talk like that. Normally I'd say bees around a hive, or flies around a hunk of shit.

Sifting down. Sifting..... down. Maybe it means something. Down seems like in. But not in as in "in". It's wierd. A 4-dimensional inwardness, I suppose. But down IS the word for it. What the fuck...

"How much is this Serta?"

"The sign says $1199.99."

"Yeah, but I was hoping you'd cut me a deal man. Whaddya say?"

"I'm sorry, only the manager can do that, and only with damaged merchandise."

"Well can I speak with your manager?"


"Why not?"

"Because he won't cut you a deal man. Believe me, if I could I'd give away every damn one of these fucking mattresses for $20 in my pocket, bankrupt the place and walk out happy, but as you can clearly see I'm far from happy, and you're far from getting that fucking mattress for less than 1200 bucks."

"Excuse me? I could have you fired for treating me like that! I DEMAND that you let me speak with your manager. Now."

"Fuck you" was the last thing I remember saying to anyone in that store.

No more trying, no more resisting, no more feeling like I need to be here, like anyone depends on me or me on them, when the fact of the matter is that if I walk away and never come back I'm no better or worse for it, and nor are they.

Sifting, down.




My name is Micheal, but I'm not so sure anymore. This morning I woke up and felt this... connectedness with things. I looked at my TV wishing that South Park were on, and it turned on on it's own and, you guessed it, South Park was on Comedy Central.

This one threw me for a loop. I got scared that my dream world and the (and I now hesitate to call it this) real one were starting to collide in a manner I wasn't entirely prepared for.

Being now unemployed, I find myself with more time on my hands than I'm comfortable filling in with drugs, women and sleep. What I really want is a purpose. Somewhere in the deep recesses of my psyche I know that I already have one, one so profound that the collective perceptions of all humanity couldn't even begin to understand, but I can't seem to remember the details. Something about my dreams, something about a war, something about cats.

I have absolutely no opinion of cats. They are the only thing I've ever encountered that arouse such a sense of dull apathy within me, such a sense of inconsequencial happenstance entirely unrelated to myself.

I think I'll recess into dreamland for a bit. I don't really want to, but I'm so tired...

-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- _- _- _- _- _- _- _- _- _- _ -_-

"Micheal... MICHEAL"

"What? Is this... Is this the shit I've been trying to remember?"

"You need to start trying man, really. That incident with your TV, that was only the beginning, the fetal stages of your development. I think that it's appropriate now to tell you of what, physically and in your realm, you are."

"Well then, tell me. What am I?

"You, Ashen, are one of the less than ten remaining people on your Earth who can act outside of the bounds of your reality. In the past your kind has called itself the Ashen."

"The ashen, huh? What kind of shit can I do, exactly?"

"I do not know."

"You don't know? You claim to be comperable to GOD and you DON'T KNOW? How do I know I'm not just having a schizophrenic fit of self-deification?"

"You don't. Nobody can know anythinf for su-"

"Dude. Shut up with the vague esotericisms. If you're gonna guide me to my role in the grand scheme of whatever the fuck it is I play a role in, just tell me what you know and tell me straight."

"Fine then. You are to fight in a war, and not just any war. This war is the basis of everything that is. Existence was borne of a struggle between an infinite multitude of wills. There are no clear sides, but it can be said that there are two general trends. One is towards the seperation of these wills into individual manifestations, free of the influence of the rest, and the other is towards the unification of all into a singularity. The second would return everythingness to nothingness as it once was, but with quite a bit more finality. The first would continue the cycle of infinite expansion until eventually it expanded into a contraction. Utter infinitesimalism for an utterly infinitesimal moment.

"Well then, what's the difference? No matter whose will is dominant, it all returns to nothingness, right?"

"Not at all. A singularity is at once both infinite and infinitesimal, all is one and one is all. An infinitesimalism would result in utter nothingness, but temporarily. At any instance of awareness, will, action, existence, ANYTHING, it would recede further into itself, eventually becoming such that the cycle would reverse itself, a true infinitesimalism would eventually arise, instantaneously giving rise to yet another infinity of meaningless struggle."

"So I take it you'd prefer the singularity?"

"Quite so. Although the finite set of perceptions imbued to any finite being cannot truly understand the difference, a singularity would last eternally. All would remain in a stasis of sameness, all would be percievable at once by all, which would be one, ad infinitum."

"You make very little sense."

"Ok, Imagine a number line starting at negative infinity and ending at infinity. A singularity is zero. One point, exactly balanced, exactly in the middle. Now an infinitesimalism extends to both infinities, includes all of the infinite points in between. It averages out to be exactly the same number, zero, but is in fact the exact opposite. Granted, this is NOTHING like how it really is; it's merely the closest approximation one could understand."

"And why is it that you opine as you do, towards the singularity?"

"I do not know. I act without truly understanding anything but that I MUST act as I do. I MUST ensure singularity."

"I see. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but if at any point, past, present or future, or any other extent of the pro- and re-gression of events on all planes of existence, above and below, within and without this one, a singularity were even possible to achieve, wouldn't it all be erased, nay, more than erased, all of this gone, never to have even happenned in the first place? Would not there JUST be the singularity?"

"One cannot say. You may well be right, my battle may well be so utterly futile that it's not even worth knowing about. All I know is that I must fight it, I must enlist others to help, and I must not waver in the least."

"That seems a bit stupid to me."

"EVERYTHING seems stupid to those who can truly see what it is, yet it is nonetheless. It is the wonderful and terrible nature of existence that all may participate and none may actually comprehend it. By this standard of intrinsic ignorance, all is inconsequential. By this standard of futility, I believe that it can be safely assumed that the only thing that one can do is follow the streams and eddies of happenstance that govern our lives, with or without the knowledge of the mechanics or reasons. Invariably."

"Oh, I see. So although you have capabilities beyond my own, you are NO more important than I am or the shit I took this morning was. I think I've heard all I need to."

"Wake up then, and do NOT, I repeat, DO NOT feed the cat."


Another strange dream, another futile attempt to remember anything but the moods present within it, another meaningless cycle of questioning my own existence and getting no answers.

I'm pretty fucking broke now, and I'm getting hungry. I think I'ma go get a new job, as much as I'd rather just sit on my ass and die. No corporate job will take me, I have a tatoo of an inverted, bleeding cross on my right temple. I don't even know why that mattress shithole hired me. Probably just a fluke.

I was walking down 8th street to go see if I couldn't get a callcenter job up the road when a VERY strange man with spiders in his dreadlocks offered to sell me bud. I declined, seeing as I really didn't want the cop that was probably waiting around the corner to arrest me for buying a fucking plant, regardless of how much I actually DID want those dank, dank nugs.

For some reason he wouldn't let up. I got the feeling that it wasn't the pot he wanted to sell, but something else. I called him out on it.

"Hey buddy, I know it's not really the weed you want me to buy. What do you want?"

"Yehhh...," He smiled and groaned through the spaces where teeth once may have been. Maybe. "Do youszh like CATS? I found me a cat here the other day, and I can't afford to feed it. Pleaszhe man, alls I need is some change or some food. Itszh all I need."

It was at this point that I felt something round and heavy suddenly appear in my pocket as he produced a small, helpless looking kitten from his coat. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a can of tuna fish. This threw me for one hell of a fucking loop. the words "DO NOT feed the cat" were repeating over and over in my head. "Do not feed the cat, do NOT feed the cat, whatever the fuck you do, DO NOT FEED THE FUCKING CAT!"

Well I also remembered for whatever reason that when I was told this I was starting to seriously disagree with the ideas being presented to me, whenever and wherever the fuck that was. It seemed like something distantly past, but the imminence of my decision was looming.

I fed the cat.

Posted by Lagerkapo - June 8th, 2008

My name is Micheal, but I'm not so sure anymore. This morning I woke up and felt this... connectedness with things. I looked at my TV wishing that South Park were on, and it turned on on it's own and, you guessed it, South Park was on Comedy Central.

This one threw me for a loop. I got scared that my dream world and the (and I now hesitate to call it this) real one were starting to collide in a manner I wasn't entirely prepared for.

Being now unemployed, I find myself with more time on my hands than I'm comfortable filling in with drugs, women and sleep. What I really want is a purpose. Somewhere in the deep recesses of my psyche I know that I already have one, one so profound that the collective perceptions of all humanity couldn't even begin to understand, but I can't seem to remember the details. Something about my dreams, something about a war, something about cats.

I have absolutely no opinion of cats. They are the only thing I've ever encountered that arouse such a sense of dull apathy within me, such a sense of inconsequencial happenstance entirely unrelated to myself.

I think I'll recess into dreamland for a bit. I don't really want to, but I'm so tired...

-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- _- _- _- _- _- _- _- _- _- _ -_-

"Micheal... MICHEAL"

"What? Is this... Is this the shit I've been trying to remember?"

"You need to start trying man, really. That incident with your TV, that was only the beginning, the fetal stages of your development. I think that it's appropriate now to tell you of what, physically and in your realm, you are."

"Well then, tell me. What am I?

"You, Ashen, are one of the less than ten remaining people on your Earth who can act outside of the bounds of your reality. In the past your kind has called itself the Ashen."

"The ashen, huh? What kind of shit can I do, exactly?"

"I do not know."

"You don't know? You claim to be comperable to GOD and you DON'T KNOW? How do I know I'm not just having a schizophrenic fit of self-deification?"

"You don't. Nobody can know anythinf for su-"

"Dude. Shut up with the vague esotericisms. If you're gonna guide me to my role in the grand scheme of whatever the fuck it is I play a role in, just tell me what you know and tell me straight."

"Fine then. You are to fight in a war, and not just any war. This war is the basis of everything that is. Existence was borne of a struggle between an infinite multitude of wills. There are no clear sides, but it can be said that there are two general trends. One is towards the seperation of these wills into individual manifestations, free of the influence of the rest, and the other is towards the unification of all into a singularity. The second would return everythingness to nothingness as it once was, but with quite a bit more finality. The first would continue the cycle of infinite expansion until eventually it expanded into a contraction. Utter infinitesimalism for an utterly infinitesimal moment.

"Well then, what's the difference? No matter whose will is dominant, it all returns to nothingness, right?"

"Not at all. A singularity is at once both infinite and infinitesimal, all is one and one is all. An infinitesimalism would result in utter nothingness, but temporarily. At any instance of awareness, will, action, existence, ANYTHING, it would recede further into itself, eventually becoming such that the cycle would reverse itself, a true infinitesimalism would eventually arise, instantaneously giving rise to yet another infinity of meaningless struggle."

"So I take it you'd prefer the singularity?"

"Quite so. Although the finite set of perceptions imbued to any finite being cannot truly understand the difference, a singularity would last eternally. All would remain in a stasis of sameness, all would be percievable at once by all, which would be one, ad infinitum."

"You make very little sense."

"Ok, Imagine a number line starting at negative infinity and ending at infinity. A singularity is zero. One point, exactly balanced, exactly in the middle. Now an infinitesimalism extends to both infinities, includes all of the infinite points in between. It averages out to be exactly the same number, zero, but is in fact the exact opposite. Granted, this is NOTHING like how it really is; it's merely the closest approximation one could understand."

"And why is it that you opine as you do, towards the singularity?"

"I do not know. I act without truly understanding anything but that I MUST act as I do. I MUST ensure singularity."

"I see. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but if at any point, past, present or future, or any other extent of the pro- and re-gression of events on all planes of existence, above and below, within and without this one, a singularity were even possible to achieve, wouldn't it all be erased, nay, more than erased, all of this gone, never to have even happenned in the first place? Would not there JUST be the singularity?"

"One cannot say. You may well be right, my battle may well be so utterly futile that it's not even worth knowing about. All I know is that I must fight it, I must enlist others to help, and I must not waver in the least."

"That seems a bit stupid to me."

"EVERYTHING seems stupid to those who can truly see what it is, yet it is nonetheless. It is the wonderful and terrible nature of existence that all may participate and none may actually comprehend it. By this standard of intrinsic ignorance, all is inconsequential. By this standard of futility, I believe that it can be safely assumed that the only thing that one can do is follow the streams and eddies of happenstance that govern our lives, with or without the knowledge of the mechanics or reasons. Invariably."

"Oh, I see. So although you have capabilities beyond my own, you are NO more important than I am or the shit I took this morning was. I think I've heard all I need to."

"Wake up then, and do NOT, I repeat, DO NOT feed the cat."


Another strange dream, another futile attempt to remember anything but the moods present within it, another meaningless cycle of questioning my own existence and getting no answers.

I'm pretty fucking broke now, and I'm getting hungry. I think I'ma go get a new job, as much as I'd rather just sit on my ass and die. No corporate job will take me, I have a tatoo of an inverted, bleeding cross on my right temple. I don't even know why that mattress shithole hired me. Probably just a fluke.

I was walking down 8th street to go see if I couldn't get a callcenter job up the road when a VERY strange man with spiders in his dreadlocks offered to sell me bud. I declined, seeing as I really didn't want the cop that was probably waiting around the corner to arrest me for buying a fucking plant, regardless of how much I actually DID want those dank, dank nugs.

For some reason he wouldn't let up. I got the feeling that it wasn't the pot he wanted to sell, but something else. I called him out on it.

"Hey buddy, I know it's not really the weed you want me to buy. What do you want?"

"Yehhh...," He smiled and groaned through the spaces where teeth once may have been. Maybe. "Do youszh like CATS? I found me a cat here the other day, and I can't afford to feed it. Pleaszhe man, alls I need is some change or some food. Itszh all I need."

It was at this point that I felt something round and heavy suddenly appear in my pocket as he produced a small, helpless looking kitten from his coat. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a can of tuna fish. This threw me for one hell of a fucking loop. the words "DO NOT feed the cat" were repeating over and over in my head. "Do not feed the cat, do NOT feed the cat, whatever the fuck you do, DO NOT FEED THE FUCKING CAT!"

Well I also remembered for whatever reason that when I was told this I was starting to seriously disagree with the ideas being presented to me, whenever and wherever the fuck that was. It seemed like something distantly past, but the imminence of my decision was looming.

I fed the cat.
