I am you, everything, nothing at all and somewhere in between a whisper and a doubt.

Age 55, Male




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Another story that cannot easily be appropriately titled. Part one.

Posted by Lagerkapo - December 4th, 2008

As I ran away from the mass, I realized that I was not alone.

I am Samael. Call me sam. What I am about to indulge in is treason of the highest order; I am going to tell you a bit about myself.

No two people are the same. Everyone is, though, exactly the same.

The difference between any two entities is the amount of filtration they experience. Filtration of simple things such as ideas, sensory perceptions, "time" and will. You also filter heavily how much you percieve of other planes of existence and cyclism than the ones you "normally" experience.

Not everyone has these filters. For those like myself, whose only constraint is the choice to remain in a physical shell, the only limit on our experience is our imaginations.

Here comes the treason;

I am an adept. Adepts are people that you are not supposed to know about. People who can do ANYTHING. Matrix shit, Dragonball Z shit, fucking anything. We are real.

Most adepts are born knowing what they are. In fact, almost all of us. I was not. I was like you or your dog (although most all dogs are much more intelligent than you, they are physically incapable of communicating in a language that you can understand, and as such you would most likely discount them as docile and stupid. One of the intrinsic downfalls of humanity is that its members tend to consider anything or anyone that they cannot communicate with or understand stupid, dangerous or irrelevant), entirely unsure of what was going on, and scared.

When I was young, I was exposed to a struggling adept in the form of a dog. My dog. At first I thought I was fucking insane. Batshit fucking insane. You would too if you were CONSTANTLY communicating telepathically with your dog. The imagination is very powerful, and can inhibit one's ability to exclusively see the collective human reality. Such is insanity; unknown, incommunicable in "normal" terms, and, as such, assumed to be dangerous and bad.

My dog, though, was struggling in that he was teetering in between enlightenment and self destruction. He knew of a great many things and could even affect the physical realm with force of will, but he had an inwardly spiraling energy. He questioned whether or not he was real TOO much, and as such the potency of his portion of this dream was closing in on itself.

He told me that I could help him simply by willing him helped. I didn't know whether or not I should, as I did not know who and what to trust at that point in my life. I eventually decided to do it, and felt no change whatsoever in my being. I was entirely unaware of the ramifications of that one simple act of will.

He informed me, though, that I had helped him a great deal, and promptly dropped dead right in front of my eyes. Physically. He was reborn a few seconds later in the same shell, but happier, more alive. I would now note that his energy was once again balanced and growing.

I never communicated with him again.

Although I was now aware of all of these... vagueries of happenstance, it took me a great many years yet to actually participate in them.

One day when I was 23, I woke up. It felt as if I had entered into a dream that I understood fully, without any specific words to encapsulate and compartmentalize it into incomplete pieces. Energies emanated from every object, every atom, People especially. I initially felt myself leaving my body, and having just been human, struggled for life like humans do. I then realized in every fiber of my being that struggling is counterproductive. Simply do. So I simply decided to be in a human body until I had found sufficient reason not to be.

I tried to tell some friends here and there, but only one ever believed me.

I felt my own energy. I felt that my will was absolute. Just my simple will. The will to do, see, build, create, destroy. Anything was then made possible.

So what did I do? I did what any human awakened in mid life would do, I acted superhuman. I flew around fucking with people, blew things up, walked around the desert 2 miles tall creating snow. All for the pure hell of it, with no consideration for the ramifications of my actions. You would too. Eventually gained the attention of nearly every seeing eye in the world.

Including governments.

Now here's the big treason.

Your government is nothing but a tool utilized by a very small group of people to enslave you. It is a drain on your life, your money, if that matters to you, and your energy. Yes, the ruling class is ALL adept. Now you're thinking "how could George W or Barack Obama be adept? He's a fucking dickbrain and the other one's a noob." Yeah, he is, and he is, and that's why they're not adept. Politicians are frontpeople. They are who you are supposed to blame for every problem in your life.

The real problem is that politicians are nothing but FRONTPEOPLE. The real power is held by six or seven puppeteers who psychically control your politicians. Whether it's through a conscious agreement between a stupid power hungry ego and a very capable power hungry ego that calls all the shots, or be it that capable one who subliminally enslaves another for his own benefit, the fact is that they are all a part of the same despicable chain of centralized degradation.

I chose, at one point, to know how it all worked, and was spiraled into an infinite cycle of inverse infinities composing extraverse finities. Nothing special really, just the same old shit without the filters. A few things here and there that caught me for a total loop, but I chose to approach it in a way that would be as such while still granting a complete understanding.

The problem with doing something on that scale is that other adepts will see it, as they are similarly if not more capably aware. You can't choose their path for them, as you can normal humans, not in what were to me the normal ways anyway.

Now adepts are a fucked up breed. About 99.8% of them are born into it, knowing their initial purpose. The only other one of us (who are one in 7,000,000) who was made aware in mid life is so because I made him so. He's the only friend that ever actually believed me about my dog, because in his extraphysical mind he knew that someday he'd be the same. It was an amazing feat of cyclic manipulation for one who was not aware of it at all. Will and imagination are extremely powerful in everyone, not just the awake.

What makes them (Them; not us) fucked up is that they do not give a FUCK. They don't care for you or me, their mother, their child, themself. They simply know that they are an extremely capable receptacle for your illicitly acquired life energy, and will do ANYTHING to make sure it stays that way. No reason, no logic, no compassion for other life. They are soul-sucking scum.

I will indulge more next time I pause time in the middle of trans-dimensional combat to tell stories to people who, for the most part, won't even believe me.


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