
34 Movie Reviews

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Man I love that song.

The graphics are cool too, but that song always gets me going.

Firetalon responds:

I'm glad that you enjoyed the song so much!


The actual cinematographic quality of the piece was virtually nonexistent, yet I STILL found myself laughing.

Fucking brilliance

Very trippy effects, the second transition into the green, fucked up place was very forceful and impacting. Awesome.

Short but sweet

I like your style, particularly the thing with truck.

I'm definitely looking forward to this one.

Normally my criticisms of peoples' flashes include the point that they need to add a storyline, but this one would leave me perfectly contented with 4 minutes of mindless violence.

Just a stylistic suggestion; add some metal in the vein of Aeon.(loud, angry, satanic and downtuned)

Good, but too short

I like the voice acting a lot, but it needs to be longer. I liked it enough to give it a 2, but if you had made it maybe 5 times longer and actually had them do something, like maybe go on the actual road trip, then I would have liked it a lot more.

CrazyChristian responds:

we cant all be Adam Phillips

pointless loop

i see no point in a loop that tells people to ph33r you. it has no entertainment value, cuts off the song, and wasted my time. i'm sorry but even though it looked and sounded good, it wasn't good.

LollerCupcake responds:

Because there isn't a point. Thank you for pointing out the obvious four times in a row there buddeh.


half decent

the music (trivium) isn't amazingly good, but at least it isn't the sellout punk shit that is normally associated with skating. not that i really care about skating, i just hate skater music.

the naimation was smooth and consistent, good job, but the thing was too short. i like how you had a menu, it was a good one too. my only problem with it is that it was 20 seconds of a stick guy skating. make the bails and the skating and all of it into one, longer things and do some creative, almost non-realistic tricks and it would be better.

pretty decent submission.

its shortness in length aside, it was a good piece of flash animation. the characters looked good, and everything else did as well. i liked how the crazy one ended up being the one with the chainsaw in the end, made me smile a bit. keep up the good work, and if you do this a lot, maybe develop flashes with plots and storylines, i see you doing good things.

GUTOONs responds:

Thanks, I'm still working on tablet drawing, and FBF.
I figure if I only do 30 second pieces, I'd be better off than doing a big one that would get better as it went on.

Storyline type stuff, watch my Flystrip series.

Glad you liked it, and thanks for the compliment, and review.


I am you, everything, nothing at all and somewhere in between a whisper and a doubt.

Age 55, Male




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