I flow no more, soar into walls of aprehension, fly to die and wonder why my efforts turn nothing into less.
When I give up everything works, then I trip on words like birds in a gale, pale reflections of self are decrepit effigies of the shelved resolve to solve it all, shelled into darknesses unknown, unshown to the world.
No more do I care, with empathy torn from my mind I find a kind few to rewind me, unbind me from the chains of these places, to make me forget the broken faces of the ones I've faced, the blood I've taken and the honor I've forsaken.
When it's said and done no one can do anything, yet we all do, everyday in every way.
And when I find my way, I live to see my day I'll say I've been wrong all along, that a happy song is a song worth singing, but until then I deal with the ringing in my ears, the tears I cause and the fears I pause for.
: It's like Myspace!
Well, i hope you are happy now. You got a comment.
Lawl, it IS like myspace, in' it?