Did this just come to your mind, or did Salvia show you? I haven't done many hallucinogens in terms of variety, but this kinda reminds me of Sally D. Seems to fractal, or something, towards the end. It's a really neat thought to play with.
I think of "the source" in a similar way: God is everything, and everything is God. Lately I feel like it's as if he split "Himself" up, every aspect of His "mind" spanning across the cosmos in an endless spectrum that we experience as individuality. As a collective[of consciousness across the universe], we probably know everything about God. Individually, though, our perceptions of Him are limited to what we experience in life.
Here's a thought I like to toy with in my head from time to time. Maybe you'll find it amusing for a bit. Try imagining yourself in the dead-center of an otherwise empty sphere. This sphere has no seams, or flaws; it's surface, perfect. The inside surface is a two-way mirror all around. The outside is pure light. What do you, being in the center, see reflecting off the surface?
I can only imagine it being reality, or some alternate plane of existence you rule over. I tend to think the reflections(from you) concentrate themselves infinitely, mixing and matching into colors in unimaginable ways. With every move you make, even the slightest, the reflection changes exponentially. Whether it would be true, or not, it's still fun to try.
Did you uh... Drop acid earlier?