I am you, everything, nothing at all and somewhere in between a whisper and a doubt.

Age 55, Male




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What is reality?

Posted by Lagerkapo - October 27th, 2007

Reality is different for everybody. There are physical coorespondances such as the matter around us and the societal views implanted into our heads from birth, but everyone percieves everything differently. We've all been trained by language to call things the same thing, but we may not all see it the same. A color blind person still sees things and calls them the same thing, but can't distinguish between the different wavelengths of light that we call different colors. A blind person can't see them at all.

Every sense we have can be tricked and is being tricked in subliminal ways all the time. Our periphory senses are used to make sense of things we aren't actively paying attention to, but they aren't infallible. When one smokes marijuana, for instance, these periphory senses are slightly inhibited, allowing one to focus on single things or ideas much more than usual, but causing it to be hard to handle multiple things at once. As a result of this the smoker's mind fills in the gaps with what it percieves and imagines, thus causing the paranoia commonly associated with smoking weed.

This effect is only an exxagurated version of the limitations we work with every day. There will always be someone smarter and more capable than you in every way, although not necessarily every way at once, yet even these pinnacles of human genetics are still imperfect beings whose senses of reality are limited to the six in everyone, the sixth being the subconcious which picks up on much more than we actively pick up on at any given time and forms your mind and personality through that.

Modern science is heralded as being a progress towards truth, which I suppose is true, but scientific thought is nothing but the closest approximation to reality we can come up with and not figure out how to prove wrong, although throughout all of human history every thought we've had about the nature of things has been proven wrong by some new advancement in technology or thought down the road.

Here's where I stop saying things I can prove and start putting forth conjecture.

All of reality works towards entropy, which is a pretty accepted part of quantum physics, and previous conventional thought says that matter cannot be destroyed, but through the discovery of black holes and antimatter and a bunch of other fun subatomic phenomena we've had to rethink that idea.

Here's where drugs influence my thought a bit.

When I was tripping acid I was able to think about a lot of things related to the nature of things from many, many more viewpoints and with many, many more new thoughts than before, as anyone who's done acid could tell you, and I was also aware of a constant effort towards entropy, everything wanted to come to a final rest and settle into oblivion. I saw basically points in space time that were multi-dimensional rifts of immense grace in their motion.

Later on that week I was reading about M-Theory, basically one of the most comprehensive theories we have to help explain the bridge between relativity and quantum physics and more, although it's not yet complete. It proposed that there were multiple dimensions of existence outside of the four of relativity. M-Theory ties together many of the string theories and some others through the parts of each that all match up and form a cohesive view of reality as far as we can see down and then a bit further.

These theories all propose strings smaller than the planck length in width (something like 10 to the -34th power), but two dimensional as opposed the infinitely small one dimensional points in space we were previously looking for, that tie together all of the forces and matter and everything in the universe, known and beyond through crumpled up higher and lower dimensions that intersect our own and others, and would replace atoms, quarks, gluons, hadrons, gravitons and the rest of the particles at that level as the fundamental things causing our universe to act as it does.

This is theoretical shit based off of the math and science we currently have rounded up, but it seemes to coorespond with everything I experienced while tripping. I think that the parts of our brain "we don't use", we do use, we just don't know how to scientifically measure and quantify these functions yet and as such don't believe in their existence. Acid opens up new parts of your brain and interconnects others to form radically new thoughts, many of which are indeed fictional, but most others although warped and skewed can grant deep insight into reality, simply from a perspective that isn't your own usual perspective.

People like to feel comfortable and rooted in their reality, so thoughts like these may scare them or make no sense to them, but the main point of this thing is to say that opening your mind up to new thoughts that may seem crazy to you may not be a bad thing, because I'm willing to guarantee that in 200 years people will look back at us and laugh at everything about us and how we were so stupid and ignorant etc.


Halfway through reading this I realized that I was reading it on newgrounds (lol). The problem is that if people continue drug use, their minds and bodies corrode. I want to know a way to effectively open up my mind without doing drugs. I'd like your thoughts on this.

Meditate. Assert your will to the task, and it will happen. Drugs do nothing in that respect but inhibit you from believing you can't, which helps expedite the process.

Hey Tom..... Simpliest answer = Reality is that which does not go away when you stop believing in it.

Not my words. But very true, indeed.

True if you're limiting your definition of existence to what we can percieve. I like the quote, but it's kind of a cop out to answering the questions.

Wow, that went right over my head.

Good, read it again.